QSL Cards From Africa and the Middle East

The Americas
Asia and Oceania
Africa and the Middle East


Finally heard FEBA Radio in the Seychelles Islands after many nights of trying..sent the report, got a letter saying the QSL was coming...but never received it...oh well...
Voice Of Turkey verified September 15, 1990.
A sticker from the Voice Of Turkey.
Sticker from The Voice Of Ethiopia.
Voice Of Ethiopia heard on September 4, 1989.
Radio South Africa heard April 24, 1990, shortly before their final broadcast, I believe. But don't quote me on that! 
KOL Israel heard on either March 1, 1989 or January 3, 1989. Gotta figure out that international date scheme...
This is the envelope from the French Naval Radio station 6WW in Senegal. The card was prepared by me and the station stamps it. "Prepared" cards are used for stations that may not have their own QSL cards.
UAE Radio And Television in Dubai, United Arab Emirates heard on February 24, 1991.
This is a pennant from UAE Radio & Television in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.
Voice Of Nigeria heard 2/7/89.

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Revised: July, 2009

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